CSI Template Screen

Use this screen to add or edit template rules.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Template Name Enter a name that describes the template.
Share CSI data with external business partner

Select this option to activate the template, and to allow the CSI company access to the rules.

Select the company from the droplist.

Add This option opens the Add Insurance Companies screen.
Delete Selecting this option deletes the selected rule.
Insurance Company This is the name of the insurance company that was selected from the Add Insurance Companies screen.
Minimum Estimate $ Enter the estimate amount threshold in this field. For estimates that exceed this amount, the workfile data is not transferred to the CSI company.
Assignments Use this droplist to include All repair orders or Assignments only. Data from workfiles that match this filter is transferred to the CSI company.
Total Loss Use this droplist to Include or Exclude workfile marked as Total Loss. Data from workfiles that match this filter is transferred to the CSI company.
  • Insurance Company
  • Internal
  • Warranty
  • Self Pay
  • Fleet
  • Other
  • Not Specified
When checked, indicates the type of Payer on the workfile. This option is checked by default for Insurance Company.
OK Select this option to save your selections and close the screen.
Cancel Selecting this option closes the screen without saving.

See Also

Setting Up a CSI Rules Template







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